Postdoctoral position available at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnologies

University of Naples “Federico II”

“Role of (macro)autophagy in the regulation of turn-over, unconventional secretion and inter-neuronal spreading of neurodegenerative diseasesassociated aggregation-prone proteins.”

We are seeking a highly motivated research scientist with previous training in cell biology and/or biochemistry for a postdoctoral position (24 months). The successful candidate will be enrolled on a funded research project aimed at identifying novel genes and signalling pathways regulating the interplay between mammalian autophagy and neurodegenerative diseases.

More specifically, the project will require the use of up-to-date molecular and cellular biology techniques, such as confocal and live cell imaging, gene expression and mass spectrometry analyses, siRNA, shRNA and CRISPR/CAS9-based molecular manipulations of target gene expression, functional analyses in cell lines, patients-derived primary cells and ultimately in animal disease models, which will be deployed to analyse the contribution of the autophagic

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