Università di Foggia

Last Update: July, 2024
University Professors in Experimental Biology (BIO/13)
Tommaso Colangelo– Dip. Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche
AIBG member
PO (Professore Ordinario / Full professor)
PA (Professore Associato / Associate Professor)
RTI (Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato / Assistant Professor)
RTD-A (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato – Junior / Fixed-term Junior Assistant Professor)
RTD-B (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato – Senior / Fixed-term Senior Assistant Professor)
Research Group 1
Daniela Fiocco, Maria Teresa Rocchetti (tecnico laureato UNIFG), Giuseppe Spano (PO, AGR/16 Microbiologia agraria) Dip. di Scienze Agrarie, degli Alimenti e dell’Ambiente-DAFNE- UNIFG), Anna Gallone, (PA, BIO/13) Dip. Scienze mediche di base, neuroscienze e organi di senso (SMBNOS)-UNIBA; Pasquale Russo (PA, AGR/16, UNIMI), Vittorio Capozzi- ricercatore CNR-Foggia
Research Themes
- Host-probiotic interactions. Prebiotics. Stress response mechanisms in probiotics. immune-modulation. Antimicrobial activities of probiotics, Po
Keywords: probiotic, prebiotic, postbiotic, immune-modulation, OGI model, stress genes, bacteriocin, antimicrobials
Research Group 2
Daniela Fiocco, Maria Teresa Rocchetti, Giuseppe Spano,Vittorio Capozzi, Stephanie Weidmann (PA, Dijon University), Tiffany Bellanger (Post Doc, Dijon University)
Research Themes
- stress response in model organims; small heat shock protein
Keywords: chaperone, proteostasis, heat stress, protein aggregation
Research Group 3
Daniela Fiocco, Anna Gallone (UNIBA), Maria Teresa Rocchetti, Giuseppe Spano, Pasquale Russo (UNIMI), Fabio Sallustio (PA, UNIBA), Paola Pontrelli (PA, UNIBA), Mariagiovanna Di Chiano (PhD student, UNIBA), Iman El Ouardi (PhD student, UNIFG), Simon Mc Arthur (PA, Queen Mary University, London)
Research Themes
- gut-brain axis, gut-deriving microbial metabolites and their impact on brain function
Keywords: microglia, blood brain barrier, gut microbes, lactobacilli
Research Group 4
Domenica Mangieri (RTDB, BIO/13) Dept. Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche- UNIFG
Mariia Zadorozhna (D, Dottorando / PhD Student) Dept. Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche – UNIFG
Research Themes
- Neoangiogenesis and metastatic cascade; tumor progression; pathogenesis of soft tissue sarcoma and their progression.
Keywords: extracellular matrix; macromolecular interactions; signal transduction; structure-function relationship. Angiogenesis; chicken CAM; human vulvar leiomyosarcoma; matrix metalloproteinases; EMT andtumour progression;
Research Group 5
Roberto Perris (PO, BIO/06) Centre for Molecular and Translational Oncology (COMT), UNIPR
Dallatomasina Alice (D, fellow BIO/11) Division of Experimental Oncology, Istituto Di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
Domenica Mangieri
Research Themes
- Extracellular matrix; proteoglycans and cancer progression
Keywords: extracellular matrix; macromolecular interactions; signal transduction; structure-function relationship.
Teachings held by teachers from other Scientific-Disciplinary Sectors or extra-university teachers
web page administrator: Daniela Fiocco